2023 Impact Report

A Letter from the President

We are grateful for all who supported the ministry of Catholic Social Services over the last year.  Perhaps you blessed us with generosity or accompanied us in this work as a volunteer or partner. Your presence made a difference to the more than 10,000 unique individuals we serve each year across Central and Southern Ohio. 

Late in 2023, I conducted a “listening tour” to learn more about how the ministry of Catholic Social Services has impacted the lives of so many people who find Hope here.  Staff, volunteers, clients, clergy, benefactors, and partners alike shared their experience of this work we do together. In many of these conversations, a common theme of being a “neighbor” emerged.  

The Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke explains what it means to be a neighbor. After Jesus tells the story, he responds to the question, “Who is my neighbor?” by saying, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus then commands us to “Go and do likewise!”

At Catholic Social Services, our response is made clear in the power of service as neighbors to transform lives. Small encounters–where a neighbor in need meets a neighbor willing to serve–opens the door to Hope. As we embark on an exciting journey together, your Catholic Social Services is on the precipice of launching a bold strategy to grow, with purpose, as neighbors. 

Thank you for joining us in this exciting direction, and by the Grace of God we know all is possible.


…in obsequio Jesu Christi

S. Kelley Henderson
President & CEO
Catholic Social Services

The Need in Our Neighborhood

Our collective opportunity to serve those around us is greater than ever, calling us to action with renewed urgency and compassion. Economic hardships, health crises, and social inequalities have left many families struggling to secure basic necessities and a stable living environment. Vulnerable populations, including the elderly, the unemployed, and single-parent households, are particularly at risk, facing challenges such as food insecurity, inadequate housing, and limited access to healthcare and education. 

We at Catholic Social Services witness these struggles daily and understand their profound impact on individuals and families. Our mission is to provide a lifeline to those in need through comprehensive support services, ranging from emergency financial aid to long-term assistance programs. By addressing these immediate and ongoing needs, we aim to foster resilience, promote dignity, and pave the way for a healthier, more equitable community. 

But we can’t do it without you.

Our Collective Calling

Catholic Social Services (CSS) is dedicated to providing compassion, dignity, and hope to those in need throughout our community, person to person, neighbor to neighbor. Our mission, rooted in the core tenets of our Catholic faith, envisions a world where every individual is valued and empowered to achieve their fullest potential. Guided by faith, we embody love and service in every action, reaching out to the most vulnerable with hope and practical assistance, and honoring the inherent dignity of each person as made in the image of God.



We serve in ways that have a lasting effect on our clients and that made our community stronger for everyone.


Inspired by a God who identifies with “the least of these,” we enter into places of poverty and pain to respond to the suffering of others.


We demonstrate the mettle needed to overcome fear, difficulty, hardship, or the status quo while venturing toward a better future.


We are good stewards of the trust and resources given to us by holding ourselves to the highest standards of quality and efficiency.

Our Impact

At Catholic Social Services (CSS), our mission is to embody the teachings of the Catholic faith through service and love. 

We are dedicated to our community, striving to ensure everyone is valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential. Guided by our faith, our impact changes lives and strengthens communities. Driven by compassion and inspired by God, we willingly enter places of poverty and pain to bring hope.

2023 Financial Overview

Families & Individuals

Originally from Mexico, Isabela and Jose moved from Chicago to Columbus in 2021, hoping to find new opportunities for their growing family. They had big dreams but faced equally big challenges. The high cost of living, stiff competition, and limited resources in Chicago made it tough for them to start their catering business. Things improved when they discovered the Mercadito Raíces program at CSS’s Our Lady of Guadalupe Center. The program provides Latino entrepreneurs with essential training and resources, like licensing, insurance, and financial management, all taught in Spanish. Thanks to the generous donors supporting CSS and her willingness to work hard applying what she learned, Isabela gained the knowledge and support necessary to launch their catering business. This family’s journey is just one more illustration of how programs like Mercadito Raíces provide opportunities for men and women to transform their lives, realize their full potential, and strengthen our neighborhoods.

Services Provided
Stay the Course Action Steps to Success Provided

Stay the Course

This free, evidence-based program serves low-income students at Columbus State CommunityCollege, helping them earn a college degree, prepare for lifelong success, and break generational poverty cycles. Experience the incredible story of how one woman from Nigeria is achieving her dream of completing her social work degree and helping others step forward into a brighter tomorrow.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Center

This center helps members of our underserved immigrant Hispanic community become self-sufficient through addressing emergency and basic needs, holistic case management, and wrap-around services.




Ken, a Vietnam veteran living with disabilities, encountered a daunting reality after a hit-and-run accident left him unable to drive. The incident not only took away his independence but also made accessing crucial medical care incredibly difficult. However, instead of giving up, Ken went looking for solutions. That’s when he discovered CSS’s Transportation Services—and with it, a renewed sense of hope. Over the past year, this service has been Ken’s lifeline, ensuring he makes it to his numerous medical appointments in Newark and at the Veterans Administration Clinic in Columbus. He can’t praise the CSS drivers and office staff enough, highlighting their kindness, reliability, and genuine care. “Without the transportation services, I don’t know how I would get the medical treatments I need,” Ken shares. Because of our generous donors, CSS can serve seniors in our neighborhoods and continue our commitment to improving the lives of the vulnerable through practical assistance and compassionate care. Learn more about how you can help CSS continue to uplift the senior community and ensure they receive the necessary support to maintain their well-being and independence.

Service Coordination

Catholic Social Services provides comprehensive service coordination, ensuring families and individuals receive tailored support to meet their unique needs. By integrating various resources and services, we help our clients navigate life’s challenges, ensuring no one is left to face them alone. Our dedicated team works closely with each person, creating a personalized plan that promotes stability and growth.

Supportive Services

Our program is dedicated to assisting seniors in maintaining their independence by providing the support they need to safely stay in their homes. We provide assistance with daily tasks and ensure seniors can live with dignity and comfort in the familiar surroundings of their homes.

Senior Companion

At Catholic Social Services, we believe in the power of companionship to uplift spirits and combat loneliness. Our companionship services connect volunteers with individuals who may feel isolated, providing them with social interaction and emotional support. This valuable connection enhances quality of life, fostering friendships that enrich both the volunteer and the recipient’s life.

Transportation Services

Understanding the importance of mobility, Catholic Social Services offers transportation services to help individuals access medical appointments, grocery stores, and community resources. Our aim is to foster independence and participation in community life, ensuring that no one is left isolated due to a lack of transportation.

Money Management

Catholic Social Services offers money management services designed to empower individuals to handle their finances with confidence. Whether it’s budget counseling or financial literacy education, our goal is to ensure clients have the tools and knowledge needed for financial stability and independence.


As a trustworthy partner, our payee services ensure all essential needs are met, bills are paid promptly, finances are managed wisely, and we assist in navigating government benefits. This provides our clients and their families with invaluable peace of mind.

Foster Grandparent

Our Foster Grandparent program connects seniors with youth in the community, facilitating mentoring and bonding opportunities that benefit both generations. Seniors share their experience and wisdom, while children receive the nurturing and support they need to thrive. This intergenerational exchange enriches lives and strengthens community bonds.

Join hundreds
of your neighbors
as a volunteer


Maria, an immigrant from Mexico, faced a tough start when she first arrived in Columbus. Settling into a new city and culture was a complicated task, even more so with limited access to the resources she needed for her family. Everything changed for her when she discovered Catholic Social Services’ (CSS) Our Lady of Guadalupe Center. With her basic needs met through the food pantry, the Mujeres de Hoy (Women of Today) program offered a supportive community, vital resources–and so much more. By 2023, Maria felt a profound sense of gratitude and a desire to give back to the community that had supported her. She started volunteering with Mujeres de Hoy, helping other women find stability and improve their lives, just as she had. The connections she made and the impact she had on others brought her immense satisfaction and personal growth. “The Women of Today program has changed my life,” Maria shares, highlighting its profound influence on her and how the help she received has inspired her to help others. Her story is a powerful reminder of how volunteering with CSS can transform not only individual lives but also inspire lasting positive change within our neighborhoods.

Board of Directors

Angela Savino


Perez Morris

Klaus Diem



Katie Grayem



Joe Hayek


Worthington Industries

Mary Ann Abrams

Nationwide Childrens

Heidie Cotey


Paul DoForno


Kim Dorniden-Habash

Seimer Institute

Brian Elliott

JP Morgan Chase

Cole Ellis

Ellis Companies

Tom Heise


Erin Herbst

Kegler Brown

Patty Hill-Callahan

Immediate Past-Chair

Mt. St. Mary’s University

Mark Huddy

Episcopal Moderator

Catholic Diocese

Joelle Khouzam

Bricker and Eckler

Sean Lansing

Mt. Carmel

Anthony Lobello


Jim Negron

Corna Kokozing

Fr. Vince Nguyen

Catholic Diocese

Jeff Powell

US Bank

Erin Shannon

White Castle

Michael Shoenfelt


Matt Stroop

Cardinal Health

John Tortora

Columbus Blue Jackets

John Woods

Ohio State University

Looking Forward With Our Board Chairperson

Thank you! It’s an honor to be a part of the ministry of Catholic Social Services serving as the Board of Directors Chair.

Over this past year, I have witnessed the transforming power of hope, compassion, and service. Whether it’s a vulnerable Senior in need of companionship or help navigating their way through changing physical, financial, or emotional obstacles or a low-income family struggling day to day, our Catholic Social Services team journeys alongside each person as neighbors.

Thank you for being a huge part of this important ministry. Together we serve.

In gratitude,

Angela Savino
Chair of CSS Board of Directors